Saturday, 27 July 2013

Jonathan Mourns Veteran Journalist Alade Odunewu’s death

  On behalf of himself, the Federal Government and the people of Nigeria, President Goodluck Jonathan commiserates with the family of foremost journalist, public affairs analyst, administrator and role model for media professionals,
Veteran Journalist, Alhaji Alade Odunewu
Alhaji Alade Odunewu “Allah De” as he was popularly know who passed away yesterday at the age of 85.

President Jonathan joins the Odunewu family in mourning the veteran journalist who attained national fame with his popular and widely read satirical newspaper columns with which he entertained, educated and edified an adoring public.

The President believes that as Alhaji Odunewu is laid to rest in Lagos today, his family, relatives, associates, admirers and the many media professionals for whom he was an inspiring mentor and role model should be comforted by the knowledge that his place alongside the greats of Nigerian journalism is assured.

President Jonathan also believes that Alhaji Odunewu will be eternally remembered and honoured as a nationalist and patriot whose notable contributions to  national development extended well beyond his chosen profession of journalism to the public service of his state and Nigeria where he served with distinction as Commissioner, member of the Federal Electoral Commission and Chairman of the Nigerian Press Council.

As they mourn him, the President urges the present generation of Nigerian journalists to strive to emulate Alhaji Odunewu’s exemplary craftsmanship, courage, forthrightness, fairness, patriotism, honesty and moral rectitude  which were most apparent in his life and also evident in “Winner Takes All”, the collection of writings which he has bequeathed to posterity.

He prays that God Almighty will receive Alhaji Odunewu’s gentle
soul and grant him eternal rest.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Believe in yourself

Dream what you want to dream; Go where you want to go;
Be what you want to be; because you have only one life
and one chance to do all the things you want in life!

Whatever you achieve or fail to accomplish in your lifetime,
is directly related to what YOU do.
Nobody chooses their parents or their childhood,
but you can and must choose your own direction in life.
Everyone has problems and obstacles to overcome,
but how you handle them is what will set you apart from losers.
You can change anything in your life,
IF you want it enough to do "whatever it takes."
Excuses come from the mindset of losers;
Those who take responsibility for their actions are the real winners.
Winners meet life's challenges with their eyes wide open
knowing there are no guarantees of success, but always aiming towards their goals.
Don't ever think it's too early or too late to decide to go after your lifelong dreams.
Time plays no favorites and will pass you by whether you choose to act or not.
Take control of your life. Dare to dream, set goals and take risks......
You must be willing to consistently pursue your goals to attain them.
Most importantly,
Set your standards high, You deserve the best.
Go after what it is that you want. Never settle for less.
Believe in yourself, No matter what goals you choose.
Keep a winning attitude, "Never Give Up", and you won't lose


Is your vision a heart-centered one?

We are often mistaken into believing that it is something else we want. We join schemes, ventures and programs each time with a lot of excitement. We become sold because we hear that our neighbor, friend or a celebrity participated.

Not wanting to lose out, we invest money, time and effort…..until the moment - which usually does not take very long to happen - when our excitement fizzles out.

Then, we realize that perhaps, we are not that interested after all.

We have a ton of reasons why this is so: not cut out to do sales, do not like the product, do not like the management, no more interest and so on.

We lament, haw and hum until the next shiny object comes along.

And the cycle repeats.

Not that there is anything wrong with going on a search per se.

It is all part of the learning process.

Because by knowing what we do not want, we become more certain of what we do want.

Then again, we can go on looking for years and not find anything meaningful that we really want to do.

To your success

Change your life

Don’t live in “No Man’s Land,” that place where you’re not really happy, but you’re not unhappy enough to do anything about it. Don’t passively accept what comes your way; drive your life toward what you really want.

See things as they are, not worse. Then see it better than it is, and then make it the way you see it.

Don’t avoid failure. Failure is necessary for real learning to occur. Overcoming obstacles gives us psychological strength—the very thing that forms character.

Don’t focus only on achievement. Extraordinary accomplishment does not guarantee joy, happiness, love and a sense of meaning. You must also focus on fulfillment.

Decide what you will no longer stand for and what you’re committed to. Clarity is power.

Take massive action. You have to be willing to do the things you don’t want to do. You have to build a momentum that consistent action produces.

Notice what’s working and what’s not working. When it is not working, change your approach. Keep changing until you finally achieve what you are committed to.