Saturday, 5 October 2013

Who are you listening to?

If you want to become successful who would you listen to? Would you listen to your neighbor who works at Walmart as a cashier? Would you listen to someone who is a plumber?

When many people hear you are working in marketing or MLM they quickly and freely give you advice. Yet they themselves have either never tried it or they have tried and failed at it. Does failing at a business mean that the business is bad? Not always, it can mean that the person who failed didn't have what it takes. They didn't put forth the necessary effort.

To become successful you would listen to someone who is already successful right? It just makes sense. They will teach you the steps to success. It's up to you at that point to follow them.

If you were trying to reach a certain destination and didn't have clear instructions on how to arrive there, you might stop and ask someone who knew the way. They would more than likely point you in the RIGHT direction, and even maybe help you find a FASTER route. If you were in Cleveland and need to find a certain place, you wouldn't ask another person visiting Cleveland right? Who would you ask? A resident of course, someone who knew their way around very well in that area.

When you want to know your way around very well in Marketing, you wouldn't ask someone new to it. You'd ask someone who dwells in it consistently and has been in it for awhile. Because they know it well, they can point you in the RIGHT direction and help you find a FASTER route to success.

I'll see you at the top!
This is so true.

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